lørdag 17. januar 2015

Wine glasses - Riedel

When I finish my Bachelor at Boston University, I will move home to Norway, and will most likely move into an apartment in Oslo. As I am a person who plans ahead, I have started buying (and collecting) things for my new apartment.

Obvious necessities are wine glasses, and I am a fan of Riedel. I already have a bunch in my apartment in Boston, many of which are Tumblers. I will of course bring them back to Oslo, but most of my glasses are Bordeaux, so for Christmas I got a pair of Pinot Noir glasses! I am now on my way to an exhaustive wine glass collection! 

Of course, many types of glasses are missing, like Sauvignon Blanc glasses and Montrachet (Chardonnay) glasses, but the time will come one day! For now I am happy with the collection I have.

If you want to look at a guide to Riedel's wine glasses, check out their website.

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